Thursday, May 25, 2006

Blonde Geometry

Okay...I have never been a big fan of blonde jokes...the whole making fun of someone based on a genetic variation never made sense to me. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying I am a saint or anything...I enjoy people watching and making fun of people...but only for things that are within their control (actions, words, etc...)


After careful scrutiny, it is our understanding that the blonde
student was given credit for the answer, but the board of education
has warned math teachers to be more explicit in the future.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

The times they are a changin'

Okay, I know that polls don't mean whole heckuva lot...but this is so heartening...

This graphic represents county-by-county results of the 2004 presidential election, red counties voted for Bush, blue for Kerry.

And this graphic shows the results of a May 15, 2006 presidential approval poll. Red counties have net favorable poll results, blue net negative.

"As the present now
Will later be past
The order is rapidly fadin'.
And the first one now
Will later be last
For the times they are a-changin'."

--Bob Dylan

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I want off this rock!

In my daily read of the left-leaning blogs I frequent, I came across an article that simply blows my mind. Here is a snippet:

Certainly since Vietnam, America has increasingly practiced a policy of minimalism and restraint in war. And now this unacknowledged policy, which always makes a space for the enemy, has us in another long and rather passionless war against a weak enemy.

Why this new minimalism in war?
It began, I believe, in a late-20th-century event that transformed the world more profoundly than the collapse of communism: the world-wide collapse of white supremacy as a source of moral authority, political legitimacy and even sovereignty.

I guess I was just brainwashed by the lib'rul edukashun system and even lib'ruler media that those things are(were) a product of our constitution, the wonderful 3 branches of government with their checks and balances and what-not. I never thought the American moral authority, political legitimacy and sovereignty was a product of the KKK and neo-nazi skinheads. If you want, you can read the rest of the article here. But I think the excerpt above says it all.

Monday, May 01, 2006

It's nice to be employed

Well, here it is May 1st. I was almost out in the street marching with the illegal immigrants today. Not becuase I am an illegal, but becuase I almost didn't have a job. Long story, here it comes....

September 2005, I left a job after 7 months for one that paid better and has actually in my field. The selling point for the job was that there was a 1- year "Feasibility Study" period and then a 3-year "Test and Evaluation" period. Well, come this past February, we found out that the 3-year period (which had originally been slated to be conducted in the local area) was moving to a location 2+ hours from home.

In March, the conversation went something like this--

Company: Your position is moving.

Jim: Well, I ain't moving.

Company: Well, we need you to move.

Jim: I'm sorry, but I ain't moving.

Company: Well, what about moving there temporarily for 6 months.

Jim: Are you freakin' crazy?

Company: Okay how about doing a geo-bachelor arrangement where you live up there during the week and go back home on weekends, starting April 1st?

Jim: For how long? I get custody of my kids the first of June.

Company: Six months.

Jim: (dumbfounded stare)

Company: Okay how about 2 months.

Jim: And what about after the 2 months?

Company: Well, we don't really have anything open for you on the horizon, but we can work something out.

Jim: And how much am I going to be compensated for this living away from my family during the week?

Company: Well, we will pay your actual living expenses (food and hotel).

Jim: That's it?

Company: Well, find the average cost per hotel in the area and we will pay you that amount.

Jim: (Thinking...well it is a military area and the average will be the local per diem rate...I can get a hotel for a lot cheaper than that.) Okay.

So...April 1 rolls around. They aren't ready for us to move becuase there are contract negotiation issues. It is not until April 15th that we hear anything about the contract. start date is May 1. I remind them that my kids are coming June 1 so they will only get 1 month from me...And still no word on any other position for me. I make the arrangements for a hotel May 1 - May 4th (I plan on working 10-hour days and leaving there Thursday night). Friday April 28th I get an email that I am not to go to this other location on May 1st. But that is all the e-mail said. An hour later I get another e-mail saying that they "found" a position for me here, but the details are not arranged yet so on or about the first week of May, the position might be available. So basically on or about May 1st, I may or may not get paid? I got a call that afternoon telling me to show up Monday, and hopefully all will be worked out ove the weekend. I got no word of anything this weekend, so not knowing if I had a job or not, I got dressed and went in. I waited until about 8:30 before I got any official word...I am employed! And this time it is for 3 years and the position isn't moving anywhere!

And I was looking forward to the "No Gringo" Day.